About DIDiva

DIDiva is an informational resource for individuals who’ve been diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, their caregivers, and friends. It is also a repository for the latest research and news coverage about DID.

If you have a news story, a link to a research item, or a personal story you would like to share on the site, please contact the Diva at Editor@DIDiva.com

Caveats, Precautions, & Disclaimers

Posting of material by the Diva on DIDiva.com does not necessarily constitute or infer the Diva’s endorsement of that material, nor is anything contained on this web site intended to be medical or psychological advice or treatment.  If you believe you may have a dissociative disorder, please contact a qualified health care professional in your area. The Sidran Insitute and the ISST-D provide basic referral services. If you are undergoing a crisis, most cities provide free crisis help lines. Consult your phone book or online white pages to find the number of the help line nearest you. RAINN also provides crisis support line.

About The Diva

DIDiva got her name from, of all sources, a cyber-stalker. The Diva is a survivor of extreme abuse in childhood, of both the familial and organized types. The Diva believes that DID, at least during the latter half of the 20th century, has two main causes, one of which is far more prevalent than the other.  The prevalent variety is enhanced by tax-funded behavioral experimentation.  This activity should not be subject to any dispute, as it is well recorded in FOIA documents, Church Committee material from the 1970’s, as well as witness testimony during Clinton era radiation hearings, and not to mention, numerous published survivor accounts.